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Powder & Ingredient Systems


Ampco’s powder systems encompass a line of products designed to mix and blend powders with liquids efficiently while improving the texture and dispersion of the finished product.  From the most powerful and dynamic Ampco POWDER-max to the most simple SIMPLE-blend, Ampco Applied Products can customize the system best suited for your application.

Easy to disperse products like sugar, powder and flavorings requiring less shear can be mixed very efficiently with the Ampco DRY-blend or SIMPLE-blend Systems. More challenging products such as carbopol, cellulose gum, xanthan gum, finished hummus and more can all be effectively blended with Ampco’s POWDER-max or SHEAR-blend Systems.

Click the links below to browse our superior selection of powder and ingredient systems.

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Call 1-800-361-5361 or 705-743-5361. Or, email us at [email protected]