LKH Series Pumps

Harco offers the Alfa Laval LKH Series Pumps that are efficient and economical centrifugal pumps. They meet hygienic and gentle product treatment and chemical resistance requirements. And, since the LKH series pumps from Alfa Laval span many sizes, you always have the most resourceful pump for your centrifugal needs.
With the shaft seal positioned outside the Alfa Laval LKH series pump, difficult-to-clean components will not come into direct contact with the product. The front-loading design allows quick and easy replacement, providing more uptime with lower maintenance costs. Interchangeable single, flushed and double seals simplify spare parts inventory.
This Alfa Laval LKH pump’s impeller design ensures efficient and gentle handling of the product as it moves through the pump. Ensuring product integrity and minimizes NPSHr (Net Positive Suction Head required). Contact Harco for your Alfa Laval LKH Pump or LKH replacement part inquires.
For more information contact us at 1-800-361-5361 or 705-743-5361, or [email protected]

Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Single Shaft Seals
Seal Type | Description | LKH 05-60 | LKH 70-90 |
Single Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC EPDM | 9612129609 | 9612515101 |
Single Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC NBR | 9612129610 | 9612515102 |
Single Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FPM | 9612129611 | 9612515103 |
Single Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FEP | 9612129612 | 9612515104 |
Single Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SC/SiC EPDM | 9612129605 | 9612515105 |
Single Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC NBR | 9612129606 | 9612515106 |
Single Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC FPM | 9612129607 | 9612515107 |
Single Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC FEP | 9612129608 | 9612515108 |
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Flushed Shaft Seals
Seal Type | Description | LKH 05-60 | LKH 70-90 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC EPDM | 9612129625 | 9612515109 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC NBR | 9612129626 | 9612515110 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FPM | 9612129627 | 9612515111 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FEP | 9612129628 | N/A |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC EPDM | 9612129629 | 9612515113 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC NBR | 9612129630 | N/A |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC FPM | 9612129631 | 9612515115 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC FEP | 9612129632 | 9612515116 |
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Double Mechanical Shaft Seals
Seal Type | Description | LKH 05-60 | LKH 70-90 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC EPDM | 9612129613 | 9612515117 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC NBR | 9612129614 | 9612515118 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FPM | 9612129615 | 9612515119 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, C/SiC FEP | 9612129616 | 9612515120 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC EPDM | 9612129617 | 9612515121 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Complete shaft seal, SiC/SiC NBR | 9612129618 | 9612515122 |
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Single Shaft Seal & Impeller Screw
Seal type | Description | LKH 05 | LKH 10/15 | LKH 20 | LKH 25/35/45 | LKH 40/50/60 | LKH 70 | LKH 85 | LKH 90 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC EPDM | 9611922306 | 9611922114 | 9611922122 | 9611922182 | 9611922130 | 9611922238 | 9611922952 | 9611922867 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC NBR | 9611922307 | 9611922115 | 9611922123 | 9611922183 | 9611922131 | 9611922239 | 9611922953 | 9611922868 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC FPM | 9611922308 | 9611922116 | 9611922124 | 9611922184 | 9611922132 | 9611922240 | 9611922954 | 9611922869 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC FEP | 9611922309 | 9611922117 | 9611922125 | 9611922185 | 9611922133 | 9611922241 | 9611922955 | 9611922870 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC EPDM | 9611922526 | 9611922550 | 9611922574 | 9611922598 | 9611922623 | 9611922643 | 9611922964 | 9611922879 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC NBR | 9611922527 | 9611922551 | 9611922575 | 9611922599 | 9611922624 | 9611922644 | 9611922965 | 9611922880 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FPM | 9611922528 | 9611922552 | 9611922576 | 9611922600 | 9611922625 | 9611922645 | 9611922966 | 9611922881 |
Single Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FEP | 9611922529 | 9611922553 | 9611922577 | 9611922601 | 9611922626 | 9611922646 | 9611922967 | 9611922882 |
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Flushed Shaft Seal & Impeller Screw
Seal type | Description | LKH 05 | LKH 10/15 | LKH 20 | LKH 25/35/45 | LKH 40/50/60 | LKH 70 | LKH 85 | LKH 90 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC EPDM | 9611922314 | 9611922118 | 9611922126 | 9611922190 | 9611922134 | 9611922242 | 9611922956 | 9611922871 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC NBR | 9611922315 | 9611922119 | 9611922127 | 9611922191 | 9611922135 | 9611922243 | 9611922957 | 9611922872 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC FPM | 9611922316 | 9611922120 | 9611922128 | 9611922192 | 9611922136 | 9611922244 | 9611922958 | 9611922873 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC FEP | 9611922317 | 9611922121 | 9611922129 | 9611922193 | 9611922137 | 9611922245 | 9611922959 | 9611922874 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC EPDM | 9611922534 | 9611922558 | 9611922582 | 9611922606 | 9611922631 | 9611922647 | 9611922968 | 9611922883 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC NBR | 9611922535 | 9611922559 | 9611922583 | 9611922607 | 9611922632 | 9611922648 | 9611922969 | 9611922884 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FPM | 9611922536 | 9611922560 | 9611922584 | 9611922608 | 9611922633 | 9611922649 | 9611922970 | 9611922885 |
Flushed Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FEP | 9611922537 | 9611922561 | 9611922585 | 9611922609 | 9611922634 | 9611922650 | 9611922971 | 9611922886 |
Alfa Laval LKH Pump - Double Mechanical Shaft Seal & Impeller Screw
Seal type | Description | LKH 05 | LKH 10/15 | LKH 20 | LKH 25/35/45 | LKH 40/50/60 | LKH 70 | LKH 85 | LKH 90 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC EPDM | 9611922322 | 9611922210 | 9611922218 | 9611922226 | 9611922234 | 9611922416 | 9611922960 | 9611922875 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC NBR | 9611922323 | 9611922211 | 9611922219 | 9611922227 | 9611922235 | 9611922417 | 9611922961 | 9611922876 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC FPM | 9611922324 | 9611922212 | 9611922220 | 9611922228 | 9611922236 | 9611922418 | 9611922962 | 9611922877 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, C/SiC FEP | 9611922325 | 9611922213 | 9611922221 | 9611922229 | 9611922237 | 9611922419 | 9611922963 | 9611922878 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC EPDM | 9611922542 | 9611922566 | 9611922590 | 9611922614 | 9611922639 | 9611922651 | 9611922972 | 9611922887 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC NBR | 9611922543 | 9611922567 | 9611922591 | 9611922615 | 9611922640 | 9611922652 | 9611922973 | 9611922888 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FPM | 9611922544 | 9611922568 | 9611922592 | 9611922616 | 9611922641 | 9611922653 | 9611922974 | 9611922889 |
Double Mechanical Shaft Seal | Service Kit, SiC/SiC FEP | 9611922545 | 9611922569 | 9611922593 | 9611922617 | 9611922642 | 9611922654 | 9611922975 | 9611922890 |